Below is the programme of the PEERE meeting on “Data sharing in peer review”, Lisbon, 27-29 January 2015. Among the invited speakers: Matt Hodgkinson (PLoS ONE), Rebecca Lawrence (F1000), Carole J. Lee (University of Washington at Seattle), and Misha Teplitskiy (University of Chicago). Stay tuned for materials!

Matt Hodginkson is Senior Editor at PLos ONE. He graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Oxford, then obtained an MSc from Downing College, Cambridge, where he worked with David Lomas and David Gubb on a fruit fly model of antitrypsin deficiency and first became aware of the open access movement due to Michael Ashburner’s enthusiastic advocacy. He moved to London to join BioMed Central as an assistant editor with…

Rebecca Lawrence, Director of New Product Development at F1000, will give a talk on “Bringing transparency to peer review” at the PEERE Lisbon meeting on 27-29 January 2015. Before joining F1000, Rebecca has previously worked for other publishers including Elsevier for 7 years on the Drug Discovery Today group of products, and holds a degree in Pharmacy and a PhD in Pharmacology. She will be writing about issues related to…

The aim of this meeting is to identifying existing practices problems, and obstacles for data sharing in peer review and exploring solutions to improve data sharing. The meeting will focus especially on identifying data mining techniques and methods for peer review analysis and opening a collaboration with stakeholders for data sharing