Developed through the cooperation of WG 2 members, PEERE has established a data sharing protocol, which will regulate data sharing on peer review in all PEERE activities. The document has been completed on 23 December 2016 after various meetings and at-distance work by WG 2 members, including Elsevier, Springer and Wiley representatives, and has been signed by all partners on 1 March 2017. We are very proud of this achievement, which…

The workshop aims to provide an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral forum to discuss problems of data sharing on peer review. It will include experts on ethics, privacy, confidentiality, and legal aspects who will collaborate to establish guidelines and protocols that will help to manage data sharing on peer review at journals. It will include talks and working group activities. Among the participants: Christian Caron (Springer), Virginia Dignum (Deft University of Technology), Francisco Grimaldo…

The aim of this meeting is to identifying existing practices problems, and obstacles for data sharing in peer review and exploring solutions to improve data sharing. The meeting will focus especially on identifying data mining techniques and methods for peer review analysis and opening a collaboration with stakeholders for data sharing