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Tag : Corvinus

Michèle Lamont’s talk on “Peer review and fairness for all: under what conditions?” at the PEERE meeting in Budapest, 14-15 October 2014

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Michèle Lamont’s talk on “Peer review and fairness for all: under what conditions?” at the PEERE meeting in Budapest, 14-15 October 2014

Talk on “Opening the black box of peer review” by Tom Jefferson (PEERE Meeting in Budapest, 14-15 October 2014)

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Tom Jefferson talks about “Opening the black box of peer review” at the PEERE Budapest meeting, on 14-15 October 2014

Towards an interdisciplinary approach to peer review: Theory, models and data, Corvinus University of Budapest, 14-15 October 2014

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The aim of this meeting is to review the state of the art of peer review in various domains, define available and missing links between theory, models and data and identify the main challenges for studying and improving peer review Invited speakers are: Michèle Lamont (Harvard University) Tom Jefferson (The Cochrane Collaboration) Brad Wible (Science) Participants include: Aliaksandr Birukou (Springer-Verlag) Fiona Hutton (Wiley-Blackwell) Joris Van Rossum (Elsevier) For any info,…