PEERE will participate to APE 2017 conference, on 17-18 January 2017, with a session on “Frontiers of peer review”. Here is the full conference programme

Developed through the cooperation of WG 2 members, PEERE has established a data sharing protocol, which will regulate data sharing on peer review in all PEERE activities. The document has been completed on 23 December 2016 after various meetings and at-distance work by WG 2 members, including Elsevier, Springer and Wiley representatives, and has been signed by all partners on 1 March 2017. We are very proud of this achievement, which…

The PEERE WG 1 meeting on “Peering into peer review from an interdisciplinary perspective” will take place in Växjö (Sweden) on 30 August/1 September 2016. It will be hosted by Giangiacomo Bravo. The meeting will take place at the Teleborgs Slott. Here is the programme

Jointly organised by PEERE and KNOWeSCAPE, this meeting aims to discuss peer review from a multidisciplinary perspective that combine quantitative and qualitative analysis. It includes the second edition of the Workshop on “Simulating the social processes of science”. Here is the programme of the meeting. Here is some practical information.

Warren Thorngate (Carleton University, Canada) will talk on “Social processes of science consumption: peer review versus public interest?” at the PEERE Meeting in Valencia, 8-11 March 2016. Warren received his PhD in Social and Mathematical Psychology from the University of British Columbia in 1971 and is now Emeritus professor in the Psychology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario. He is expert in decision making, heuristics & cognitive processes and science studies.

“Innovating the Gutenberg Galaxis. The Role of Peer Review and Open Access”, AE 2016 Conference, Mainz, 27-28 January 2016 This 2-days conference is jointly supported by the COST Actions PEERE New Frontiers of Peer Review and KNOWeSCAPE Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes. The conference will investigate the role of peer review and open access in university knowledge dissemination and evaluation. Day 1 will address peer review, with a particular…

Tim Vines (AxiosReview) will talk about “The core inefficiency of academic peer review and a solution” at the Workshop on “New models of peer review”, Athens 17-19 November 2015. Tim is director of AxiosReview and has a academic background in evolutionary ecology.

Stephen Cowley (University of Southern Denmark) published an open access article on “How peer review constrains cognition: on the frontline in the knowledge sector” in Frontiers in Psychology, on 3 November 2015. Here is a pdf copy.

Ana Marušić, Dario Sambunjak, Flaminio Squazzoni for the PEERE Consortium showcased PEERE at Research Waste/EQUATOR conference 2015 in Edingburgh, 28-20 September 2015. The conference theme was “Increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research”.