EASE reported on the PEERE section at EASE 2018 Conference in a newsletter. Besides some PEERE members, the session and the panel also involved Markus Heinemann (Editor of The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon). Here is the newsletter

The award for the best “PEERE International Conference on peer review 2018” poster went to Luca Longo (University College Dublin), Olgica Nedic and Aleksandar Dekanski (University of Belgrade) for the poster entitled “How mental workload affect the peer-review task”. The award included a book voucher of 150 Euros kindly offered by Wiley. Congratulations to the three authors!

The award for the best “PEERE International Conference on peer review 2018” paper went to Peter Van Den Besselaar (Vrije University Amsterdam), Ulf Sandstrom (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) & Helene Schiffbaenker (Joanneum Research) for the paper entitled “Using linguistic analysis of peer review reports to study panel processes”. The award included a book voucher of 250 Euros kindly offered by Springer Nature. Congratulations to the three authors!

Flaminio Squazzoni has presented PEERE to a group of Springer Nature editors in Milan on 31 January 2018. The meeting was organised by Aliaksandr Birukou and Francesca Ferrari. Below some pictures.

PEERE is happy to announce an available grant of max 2500 euros to an early stage researcher for visiting Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany for max 3 months between March-September 2018. The purspose of the visiting is to collaborate on a project on “Joining Hermeneutics and Simulation for Investigating Peer Review”. The grant is addressed to a non-German young scholar based in one of the COST Countries. For all…

A message by the PEERE Chair: We are happy to announce that the Director of the COST Association has approved the request of extension of the PEERE Action to 10 November 2018. This extension will provide us the opportunity to re-schedule and re-organise important activities, such as the training school, and exploit the remaining budget on STSMs and dissemination until November. A big thanks to the COST Association for this…

PEERE invites applications to ITC conference grants from PhDs and postdocs working on peer review and related issues from the following countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey. The application must be submitted at least 45 days before the conference start date. The budget at disposal is…

EASE has established a Peer Review Committee in which PEERE is represented. The committee is co-chared by Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Brescia, Italy) PEERE (MC Chair) and Ines Steffens (Eurosurveillance, Sweden). This group is being established to coincide with the 2017 Peer Review week, and its first activity is to launch a public forum where anyone can discuss issues around Peer review. The group will be looking at questions such…

Edward Hackett is the fist invited speaker to the PEERE conference in Rome, 7-9 March 2018. Edward is Senior Sustainability Fellow, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University and Professor, Department of Sociology, Brandeis University. He got a PhD in Sociology from Cornell in 1979. With Daryl E Chubin, he authored one of the most influential books on peer review “Peerless science: Peer review and US science…

Chaired by Alice Meadows, PEERE presented a panel discussion on “New frontiers on peer review” at the APE 2017 conference in Berlin on 18 January 2017. Here is the video