PEERE organised a session on peer review at the Social Simulation Conference 2017, UCD Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 September 2017. Flaminio Squazzoni gave a plenary talk on open peer review, which promoted the Action. Three papers by Elena Vallino, Mario Paolucci, Karoly Takacs, Francisco Grimaldo and others were presented.
On 7-9 march 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania, there is a PEERE workshop on “Peer Review: Old challenges and new advances”, which also includes WG meetings and an MC meeting. Among the invited speakers, Richard Morey (Cardiff University, UK), Cameron Neylon (Curtin University, Australia) and Henk Moed (Leiden University, NL). The meeting is organised by Andrius Puksas and Agnė Tvaronavičienė and will be held at the Mykolas Romeris University. Here is…
“Complex systems approach to scientific publication and peer-review system: development of an agent-based model calibrated with empirical journal data” by Michail Kovanis, Raphaël Porcher, Philippe Ravaud and Ludovic Trinquart (Paris Descartes) published n Scientometrics on 10th December 2015. Read the article here.
Here is the programme of the EA conference on “Innovating the Gutenberg Galaxis. The role of peer review and open access in university knowledge dissemination and evaluation”, Mainz, 26-27 January 2016. Among the invited speakers, Paul Wouters (CWTS, University of Leiden, The Netherlands), Joshua Nicholson (Winnower, New York, USA), Jeffrey Beall (University of Colorado, Denver, USA) and Birgit Schmidt (University of Goettingen, Germany). The conference is jointly supported by PEERE…
See attached the programme of the workshop on “New models of peer review”, Amarilia Hotel, Athens, 17-19 November 2015. This includes four invited speakers: Elizabeth Moylan (BioMed Central), Andrew Preston (Publons), László Sándor (Harvard University) and Tim Vines (Axios Review)
This is the programme of the PEERE workshop on “Guidelines and protocols for data sharing on peer review”, which is held in Brescia on22-23 July 2015. Invited speakers are: Neils M. Richard (Washington University Law), David Erdos (University of Cambridge), Giorgio Spedicato (University of Bologna) and Giovanni Maria Riccio (University of Salerno)
The workshop aims to discuss new models of peer review and reflect on the changing publishing systems. More info soon
The workshop aims to provide an interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral forum to discuss problems of data sharing on peer review. It will include experts on ethics, privacy, confidentiality, and legal aspects who will collaborate to establish guidelines and protocols that will help to manage data sharing on peer review at journals. It will include talks and working group activities. Among the participants: Christian Caron (Springer), Virginia Dignum (Deft University of Technology), Francisco Grimaldo…
The aim of this meeting is to review the state of the art of peer review in various domains, define available and missing links between theory, models and data and identify the main challenges for studying and improving peer review Invited speakers are: Michèle Lamont (Harvard University) Tom Jefferson (The Cochrane Collaboration) Brad Wible (Science) Participants include: Aliaksandr Birukou (Springer-Verlag) Fiona Hutton (Wiley-Blackwell) Joris Van Rossum (Elsevier) For any info,…
The workshop aims to develop synergies and coherence between research activities on peer review and stimulate research that develops the Action’s vision. It aims to strengthening stakeholder collaboration, including outreach events targeted to the media and the public opinion