“Reputation or peer review? The role of outliers” by Francisco Grimaldo, Mario Paolucci & Jordi Sabater-Mir has been published in Scientometrics. A preliminary version of the article was presented at a PEERE workshop. Here is the article. Abstract.We present an agent-based model of paper publication and consumption that allows to study the effect of two different evaluation mechanisms, peer review and reputation, on the quality of the manuscripts accessed by…
Daily Archives :
July 10, 2018

“The peer review game: an agent-based model of scientists facing resource constraints and institutional pressures” by Federico Bianchi, Francisco Grimaldo, Giangiacomo Bravo and Flaminio Squazzoni has been published in Scientometrics. Previous versions of the paper were presented in some PEERE meetings. Here is the paper. Abstract. This paper looks at peer review as a cooperation dilemma through a game-theory framework. We built an agent-based model to estimate how much the…