A paper entitled “Exploring Social Practices of Peer-Review in an Agent-Based Simulation: The COST Action PEERE”, by Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum (Delft University of Technology, NL) has been published in The 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015) conference proceedings. The paper presented PEERE to an international audience. Here is a copy of the paper.

“This visit to Bar-Ilan University was very valuable. I’ve gained insights on the publication culture in other scientific areas, showing the value of peer-review but also its limitations. The visit was also a great opportunity to intensify my collaboration with a very interesting group of researchers and to experience daily life in Israel” – Virginia Dignum (TU Delft, NL), 5 November 2015 (She visited Elise Brezis in Tel Aviv in July 2015)