“Scientometrics of peer review” by Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Brescia), Elise Brezis (Bar-Ilan University) and Ana Marušić (Split University) has been recently published in Scientometrics as preface of the PEERE special issue on peer review. The article is available open access here. Abstract. This article aims to introduce a special issue on “Scientometrics of peer review”, which collects papers originally presented at workshops and conferences organised by the COST ACTION…

Marcel Ausloos, Olgica Nedic, Agata and Piotr Fronczak published an article entitled “Quantifying the quality of peer reviewers through Zipf’s law” in Scientometrics, on 5 September 2015. A preliminary version of the article was presented at a PEERE meeting in Lisbon on January 2015. See the article here. Abstract. This paper introduces a statistical and other analysis of peer reviewers in order to approach their “quality” through some quantification measure, thereby…