School – Programme

School programme

School presentations are available here.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

9:00 – 9:30

Welcome & introductions



9:30 – 11:00


is peer review and why it matters (Flaminio Squazzoni, University of Brescia, Italy)

Open peer review: How and why (Tony Ross-Hellauer, Know Center Austria)

Research integrity
and peer review (Ana Marušić, University of Split, Croatia)


Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00

A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and
future innovations in peer review (Jon Tennant, Open Science MOOC, Germany)

Post-publication open, invited peer review: What, how and why (Sabina Alam, F1000, UK)

How to support peer reviewers (Christna Chap, PLOS, United Kingdom)





14:00 – 17:00

Practical session

Duncan Nicholas (DN Journal Publishing Services, UK) and all participants

Ana Marušić (EASE
and University of Split School of Medicine, Croatia) and all participants

Roundtable: The future of peer review

Evaluation and closing of the School

Peer Review Writing Skills, Best Practice and Behind-the-Scenes Insights

Hands-on training: Responsible peer review – how to
avoid mistakes

17:00 – 19:00

Walkshop: Taking peer review outside of the black box




Sightseeing of the Diocletian Palace (Dinner on your