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Category : STSMs

Patrícia Martinková at University of Washington (Seattle, USA)

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“My short-term scientific mission at University of Washington, Seattle was a truly great experience! It allowed me to finalize analyses for my current paper on disparities in ratings of internal and external applicants. I also enjoyed discussions and explorations on how our model-based estimate of inter-rater reliability may further be used in analyzing and improving peer review of journal articles and research proposals” Patrícia Martinková (Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles…

STSM grant available on “Joining Hermeneutics and Simulation for Investigating Peer Review”, Mainz, Germany

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PEERE is happy to announce an available grant of max 2500 euros to an early stage researcher for visiting Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany for max 3 months between March-September 2018. The purspose of the visiting is to collaborate on a project on “Joining Hermeneutics and Simulation for Investigating Peer Review”. The grant is addressed to a non-German young scholar based in one of the COST Countries. For all…

Elena Vallino at Hungarian Academy of Science (Budapest, Hungary)

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“I enjoyed very much my stay in Budapest and I appreciated very much the working environment at RECENS. I would reccommend an STSM experience to every researcher” –  Elena Vallino (University of Turin), 15 November 2016 (She visited Károly Takács at RECENS, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, on October-November 2016)

Shelly Pranić at Elsevier (Amsterdam, NL)

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“My experience at Elsevier in the Netherlands was truly fantastic. It completely rejuvenated my sense of direction towards my  professional goals and provided a break from my routine” –  Shelly Pranić (University of Split School of Medicine), 22 April 2016 (She visited Bahar Mehmani at Elsevier, Amsterdam, on March 2016)

Mario Malicki at UCD (Dublin, Ireland)

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“When it began, I named it my Bloomsmonth. But it not only allowed me to partake in the luck of the Irish and their hospitality, but in the wonderful environment and expertise of the UCD’s School of Information & Communication Studies. With our joint forces, we set sail to mine and synthesize the published qualitative research on peer review” – Mario Malički (University of Split, Croatia) 7 March 2016 (He visited Kalpana…

Francisco Grimaldo at Wiley (UK)

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“Spending a week at Wiley allowed me to understand how academic publishers work from an inside’s perspective. Professional  staff, excellent working environment and, by the way, quite a good canteen!” – Francisco Grimaldo (University of Valencia, Spain) 3 April 2016 (He visited Michael Willis, Wiley, UK)

Virginia Dignum at Bar-Ilan University (Tel Aviv, Israel)

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“This visit to Bar-Ilan University was very valuable. I’ve gained insights on the publication culture in other scientific areas, showing the value of peer-review but also its limitations. The visit was also a great opportunity to intensify my collaboration with a very interesting group of researchers and to experience daily life in Israel” – Virginia Dignum (TU Delft, NL), 5 November 2015 (She visited Elise Brezis in Tel Aviv in July 2015)

Francisco Grimaldo at Springer (Heidelberg, Germany)

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“Visiting Springer was such a great opportunity. Not only I got more insights on the world of scientific publishers but I also met a very interesting and friendly group of people to start collaborating with” – Francisco Grimaldo (University of Valencia, Spain), 11 June 2015 (He visited Aliaksandr Birukou in Heidelberg in June 2015)

Mario Malički at Springer (Heidelberg, Germany)

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“Doing the STSM enabled me to work in a truly interdisciplinary setting and allowed me to gain insight of peer review mechanisms in a field so different from my own. The new ideas, friendship and professionalism Iencountered make me hopeful that my STSM was just the beginning of the cooperation that will now go on for a very long time” – Mario Malički (University of Split, Croatia) 25 June 2015 (He visited…

Niccolò Casnici at UCD (Dublin, Ireland)

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The STSM in Dublin was a great opportunity to collaborate in a multidisciplinary environment in which I had the chance to improve my skills in quantitative research and apply advanced techniques to real data” – Niccolò Casnici (University of Brescia, Italy) 12 June 2015 (He visited Pierpaolo Dondio, at DIT Dublin from March to May 2015)