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Category : Publications

Federico Bianchi and Flaminio Squazzoni (2015) Is three better than one? Simulating the effect of reviewer selection and behavior on the quality and efficiency of peer review. Yilmaz L. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference

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Federico Bianchi and Flaminio Squazzoni (2015) Is three better than one? Simulating the effect of reviewer selection and behavior on the quality and efficiency of peer review. Yilmaz L. et al.  (eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. Here is a copy

Marcel Ausloos, Olgica Nedic, Agata and Piotr Fronczak published “Quantifying the quality of peer reviewers through Zipf’s law” in Scientometrics, on 5 September 2015

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Marcel Ausloos, Olgica Nedic, Agata and Piotr Fronczak published an article entitled “Quantifying the quality of peer reviewers through Zipf’s law” in Scientometrics, on 5 September 2015. A preliminary version of the article was presented at a PEERE meeting in Lisbon on January 2015. See the article here. Abstract. This paper introduces a statistical and other analysis of peer reviewers in order to approach their “quality” through some quantification measure, thereby…

“Complex systems approach to scientific publication and peer-review system: development of an agent-based model calibrated with empirical journal data” by Michail Kovanis, Raphaël Porcher, Philippe Ravaud and Ludovic Trinquart (Paris Descartes) published in Scientometrics on 10th December 2015

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“Complex systems approach to scientific publication and peer-review system: development of an agent-based model calibrated with empirical journal data” by Michail Kovanis, Raphaël Porcher, Philippe Ravaud and Ludovic Trinquart (Paris Descartes) published n Scientometrics on 10th December 2015. Read the article here.

Stephen Cowley (University of Southern Denmark) published an article on “How peer review constrains cognition: on the frontline in the knowledge sector” in Frontiers in Psychology, on 3 November 2015

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Stephen Cowley (University of Southern Denmark) published an open access article on “How peer review constrains cognition: on the frontline in the knowledge sector” in Frontiers in Psychology, on 3 November 2015. Here is a pdf copy.

Olgica Nedić and Aleksandar Dekanski (University of Belgrade, Serbia) published an editorial letter on editorial policies in The Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 80(7), 959-969, 2015

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Olgica Nedić and Aleksandar Dekanski (University of Belgrade, Serbia) published an editorial letter on “A survey on publishing policies of the Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society – On the occasion of the 80th volume” in The Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 80(7), 959-969, 2015. The letter reports on recent advances in peer review and editorial instructions in JSCS, Have a look here.

A PEERE paper on “Cooperative peer-to-peer multiagent-based systems” by Caram L. F. et al published in Physical Review E, E 92, 022805

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Marcel Ausloos published with other colleagues an article on “Cooperative peer-to-peer multiagent-based systems”  in Physical Review E. Here is the article

“Review times in peer review: quantitative analysis and modelling of editorial workflows” by Maciej J. Mrowinski, Agata Fronczak, Piotr Fronczak, Olgica Nedic and Marcel Ausloos, published in Scientometrics on 9 Feb 2016

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Maciej J. Mrowinski, Agata Fronczak, Piotr Fronczak, Olgica Nedic and Marcel Ausloos published “Review times in peer review: quantitative analysis and modelling of editorial workflows” in Scientometrics on 9 February 2016.

A PEERE supported article by Katri Huutoniemi published in Social Epistemology. A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy (open access)

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Katri Huutoniemi published an article on “Interdisciplinarity as Academic Accountability: Prospects for Quality Control Across Disciplinary Boundaries” in Social Epistemology A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy (DOI:10.1080/02691728.2015.1015061). The article is published under open access option thanks to PEERE funds. Here is the article.

Eric Hall

Eric Hall (Pre-VAL) mentioned PEERE in “Four reasons to feel good about the future of peer review” (Research Information, 10 March 2015)

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Behind the headlines are exciting initiatives that have the potential to, not just improve peer review, but optimise it for 21st century scholarship, says Eric Hall, director of business development for PRE (peer review evaluation) at Striatus. He mentioned PEERE as an example of innovative Action: “In 2014, COST (the intergovernmental framework for cooperation in science and technology in Europe) formed a group representing the first government-funded, multi-national effort to ‘improve the…

An article on PEERE by Marusic and Squazzoni was published in European Science Editing, February 2015

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Marusic A. and Squazzoni F. (2015) Peering at peer review – COST Transdomain Action: New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE), European Science Editing,  41(1), 16.