STSMs Call

We have still budget for PEERE STSMS in 2018. Please note that the financial support available via this scheme is a contribution towards the  travel and subsistence cost of a STSM and may not necessarily cover all the costs. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals with a high benefit/cost ratio.

Criteria for Funding

  1. The Applicant should be engaged in a research programme as a post-grad student, postdoctoral fellow or be employed in an institution in a PEERE member country;
  2. Applicants are responsible for obtaining the agreement of the host institution BEFORE the submission of their application;
  3. The research subject of the STSM must be relevant for PEERE;
  4. The Applicant and its host must be from two different PEERE member countries;
  5. STSM funding is a contribution towards travel and subsistence costs, and cannot be used as a salary;
  6. Duration of a standard STSM: a minimum of 5 working days and a maximum of 90 days. Priorities in the first call will be given to longer STSM;
  7. ESR (Early Stage Researchers, i.e. researchers with PhDs + up to 8 years of research experience) may extend the duration of the STSM beyond the 90 days; in this case, ESR STSM must take place according to the following rules: a) Be a minimum duration of 91 days; b) Be a maximum duration of 180 days;
  8. All STSMs need to be carried out within their entirety within a single grant period and within the Action’s lifetime;
  9. Geographical and gender balance issues, as well as the cross-discplinary and cross-domain nature of the collaboration, will be considered;
  10. Applications from ESR will be privileged.

Application Procedure

The procedure concerning STSM is governed by the COST Vademecum, in particular, Chapter 6. The online registration tool will issue a formal STSM application which has to be downloaded and sent by the Applicant electronically (via e-mail as an attachment) together with any necessary document which the Applicant may regard as helpful in supporting the application during the evaluation process (such as CV, full workplan, list of publications, motivation letter, statement of how proposed STSM contribute to the aims of the PEERE Action, letter of support from the home institute, etc.) to the contact person of the STSM Host institution and to the STSM coordinator, Dr. Virginia Dignum ( with the subject “PEERE– STSM Application – <applicant’s name>”.

In order to help us to coordinate the STSMs and provide support and info to the applicant, we kindly recomment any interested applicant to first send ideas via email about a possible STSM  (including a CV, a proposal and a contacted or potentially interesting partnered institution) to the STSM coordinator.

To apply, the applicant must visit this page: