Programme and info for the Workshop on “Towards new frontiers of peer review: prospects and challenges”, University of Split, 16-19 June 2015

This is the  final programme of the Worskhop “Towards new frontiers of peer review: prospects and challenges”, University of Split, 16-19 June 2015. Invited speakers are: Adrian Aldcroft (PLoS ONE), Philippe Ravaud (Université Paris Descartes), Kyle Siler (University of Toronto), Didier Torny (RiTME-INRA, France) and Elizabeth Wager (BMC Research Integrity and Peer Review).

The workshop will take place at Studia Mediterranea, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Peristil 3/III, 21000 Split.

The programme and practical info are attached. For any info, please write to Dalibora Behmen.

