A news article on “Reviewing the review process: New Frontiers of Peer Review”, which promotes PEERE, by R. Wijesinha-Bettoni et al. has been published on the last issue of Xjenza Online – Journal of The Malta Chamber of Scientists.
Abstract: This news article introduces a new COST Action entitled PEERE (TD1306), which stands for New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE). PEERE is a trans-domain proposal which brings together researchers from various different disciplines and science stakeholders for the purpose of reviewing the process of peer review. PEERE officially began in May 2014 and will end in May 2018. Thirty-one countries, including Malta, are currently participating in the Action. In order to set the context in which this COST Action was initiated, we first look very briefly at the history of the process of peer review and various models of peer review currently in use. We then share what this COST Action hopes to.
The article is published under open-access here.